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Agape Christian sec sch

Trusting in Divine Providence

Agape is an orphanage and a secondary school in Mukono, Uganda (East Africa). It serves children without either one or both parents. From toddlers to university students, we provide food, housing, medicine and education to Uganda's most desperate children. The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly decreased our ability to provide even basic necessities like proper food, medicine, and clothing to the orphans here.

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap harvest if we don’t give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let’s do good for the Lord and people. Let’s be faithful to what he wants us to do and then leave the harvest to the almighty God, Amen." 

Galatians 6:7-10

Trust in Divine Providence: Building Hope for Agape Orphanage.

Warm Christian greetings from Agape Orphanage. We urgently seek support to replace our unsafe building damaged by an earthquake with a new facility for Agape Orphanage School in Mukono, Uganda. With our current population of 600 comprising students, teachers, and non-teaching staff, surpassing the intended capacity of 350, a new facility is essential for their safety and well-being. Contributions will provide a secure environment for worship, learning, examination, and dining. Your assistance is crucial in ensuring the future of these children. Gratitude for your unwavering support as we continue our mission of love and care.

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."

James 1:27

Proposed Chapel

Be Part of those building the House of God for the Orphans

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Roof-Top View

Building Hope and Safety: A Call for Support for Agape Orphanage 

Warm Christian greetings from Agape Orphanage in Mukono, Uganda. We urgently seek your support through prayers and financial aid to build a new facility for the children, serving as a chapel, examination room, main hall, and dining area. The existing structure poses safety risks, and city authorities may close the school/orphanage without a safer alternative. Please join us in this noble cause in Jesus' name. Your unwavering love and support are deeply appreciated.

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Join Us in Creating a Safer Haven for Agape Orphanage.

We humbly present to you our estimated budget for the new facility construction, aiming to provide safety and serve as a place of worship, learning, and gathering for our children. We firmly believe that with your prayers and financial aid, we believe we can achieve this goal. Your contribution, big or small, will make a significant difference. Stand with us in faith and compassion, as Jesus stood with the little ones. Your unwavering support is deeply appreciated and cherished.

Our Giving Opportunities
in 2024


For just $1 a day, you can feed, educate, and provide medical care and basic necessities for an orphan at Agape. Check out our Agape success stories to see the difference your sponsorship will make. Please consider contributing $30 every month to provide for a child!


 For just $10, sponsor a child's desperately needed dental care. With 350 kids plus 40 teaching and non teaching staff, we are hoping to reach our fundraising goal of $4000 to transport children and staff to the dentist.

BIBLES and hymnals

The heart of our mission is to spread God's word and raise children that will serve Him now and for the rest of their life. With 300 new Bibles and hymn books for children, we can supply a hymnal and a bible to each and every child,  so they can learn about God, the gospel of Jesus's life, and his promise to return. 


The rain season is approaching fast, and with just $500 we can dedicate a water tank in the name of our generous donors. It will provide desperately needed fresh water to the orphanage. An investment right now will reduce water costs for years to come! 



With a $10, sponsor a child with dental care and create a brighter smile on their faces.


Support A CHILD

With $1 a day, you can change an African Child's life with healthy food and water

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Be a sponsor

With $5, you can support a medical camp for the little ones.

Testimony from Milly Namukasa

Agape Alumna


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Support a University Student with a laptop


We're launching a computer drive to bring used, refurbished and new computers to our children here at Agape. You can send your computer donation to our U.S. address and invest in a child's future. We will be so appreciative! 




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Who We Are

Agape has grown so much since William Nsubuga started a childcare center in 2008 for children aged 6-12 who had been impacted by HIV/AIDs. Agape has expanded its mission to hundreds of students with the help of a prudent and passionate board, chaired by Reverend Anthony Mugabe, and the help of countless patrons from the U.S., including, for example, Dr. and Mrs. Meyers, who sponsored a dental clinic. (both shown below).

Our Mission

We raise up orphaned children, destitute children, and afflicted children under the love of God in a Christian family.  


We provide them with the basic necessities of life and hope for the future. 


We equip the next generation with quality Christian education, spiritual nurturing, entrepreneurial and leadership skills to become better and responsive citizens of tomorrow

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Get Involved

Support Agape's Mission of Hope


With 2 million registered orphans, Uganda needs us to take in more of our country's most vulnerable. But we can't without your help. For just one dollars a day, you can support an orphan, provide them with a quality education, proper nutrition, medical care, and a loving Christian home. Only one in seven of our children have access to secondary and university education. For 60 dollars, a high school student can receive one more month of education that will bring them life-changing opportunities. Donate to support our new girls' dormitory and college tuition.

Volunteer Opportunities

Serving with Agape means bringing smiles to young faces, teaching eager students, offering a hand to Ugandans who need it most. We run mission trips to come help build and teach. Please take a look at this service testimony from First Shreveport Church.

What We Do

Giving Hope to Our Children

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A Home

A Growing Family of God's Children

Meet Agape

“It is a blessing to come back and work for an organization that takes care of the poor and the afflicted”

Carol, Agape Alumna, Finance Graduate, and Agape Business Manager

If you would like to volunteer with Agape, contact us about coordination with your church, or inquire about our mission, please contact us.


+1 (781) 888-5243

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©2020 by Agape Christian Academy. By James Cross.

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